At NFC we wanted to dispel the notion of what a glass blank should look and feel like. For years, custom rod builders have been asking our design team to give them a glass canvas, one that’s a joy to cast, is lightweight and faster in action compared to traditional E and S glass predecessors. We decided to go a step further and incorporate stunning colors into this series. The name Iconoglass “stuck” as we wanted to challenge the traditional understanding of “glass is boring” or “glass is heavy” or “glass is too slow”. Iconoglass blanks will challenge this notion with every cast. Iconoglass colors are achieved by adding pigment to the resin of the pre-preg, as opposed to traditional coating of blanks. This reduces the weight of the blanks and keeps their action crisp. Some natural inclusions (specs) are normal as they are a part of the resin and fiber manufacturing process.
- Iconoglass Blanks are S2/Zentron fiber
- Ferrule Lite Joints (can replace sections without needing to send the original blank)
- Gloss Raw Finish (in Natural, Cyan, Green, and Gray)
- Unsanded – sanding a blank makes the action softer, not sanding the blanks makes the fast zentron action even faster
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