
Our newest material HMx-ray is the latest edition to the NFC material family. HM because it’s the highest modulus currently available, x-ray because just like an x-ray machine helps you see things you normally would not, you can feel the slightest vibration with these blanks. These are the lightest, strongest blanks that we have ever manufactured.

· HMx-ray is 20% lighter than our existing HM (which is already insanely light!)

· HMx-ray is more sensitive, and while we understand that “sensitivity” is subjective, it feels like you are receiving a shock through the arm, the ultimate aim is to allow you to “see” underwater.

· HMx-ray comes with in un-sanded, flat matte-black finish, almost pear-like. Sanding blanks makes them softer, the action of these blanks is crisp.

· HMx-ray Mirror Black blanks are in a satin black glass smooth finish. We achieve  this finish by “buffing” the blanks retaining their action and crispness.

· The resin in these blanks is specifically developed for the fishing industry, and stops crack-propagation (even if you impact the blank and create a microfracture which would normally result in a failure down the road, this amazing resin resists to continuing to crack, extending the life of the blank.

· HMx-ray is a scrim-less material, hoop is obtained by a very fine fiber slit into the other. This construction with a high modulus fiber allows the creation of an equal stiffness part, with less material.

X-Ray Rod Blanks